
NJ Bar Section Offers Brown Bag Lunch On Antitrust Developments In Healthcare

March 5, 2012

       The New Jersey State Bar Association\’s Health and Hospital Law Section is offering an interesting program in an alternative format. The program will address antitrust developments related to various forms of integration among healthcare providers: hospital – hospital, hospital – physician, and physician group – physician. Antitrust specialist David A. Ettinger, Esq. will speak on these subjects, with Frank R. Ciesla, Esq. focusing the discussion on the landscape in New Jersey.

       The format for the program, a “brown bag lunch,” is a first for the Section. Rather than an in-person presentation in the evening at one central location, this program will be offered on March 22 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. via teleconference at six law firms throughout the state. Choice of location can be made upon registration on the NJSBA website. CLE credit is included.

[Image: Lunch scene at the National Cancer Institute, 1989]