
Welcome Betsy Ryan’s Healthcare Matters Blog!

January 28, 2009



       I recently learned that Betsy Ryan, the President and CEO of the New Jersey Hospital Association, has started a blog called “Healthcare Matters.”  It appears as part of the New Jersey Hospital Association\’s public website

“Healthcare Matters eamines the many issues confronting New Jersey\’s hospitals and their patients. Readers are encouraged to join the discussion, because healthcare matters- to all of us.”

       For those not familiar with Betsy Ryan, she was recently appointed to the NJHA\’s top management post after years of service as the organization\’s Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel.  She has extensive experience in the legislative, regulatory, financial and operational issues facing New Jersey\’s hospitals.  As a result, her blog is well positioned to address a subject not currently covered directly in the blogosphere.

       So far, Healthcare Matters has captured some of Betsy\’s personal perspectives on current events affecting New Jersey\’s hospitals.  She has already attracted some lively discussion.  Subscription by RSS is easily done, and I encourage all to join in and expand this dialogue.

[Image: welcome kitty, by Portraitlady4306, August 27, 2007]